القائمة الرئيسية


Article (225) Proving the prophecy proves all the words of the Messenger, so what are the proofs of the prophecy of Mirza Ghulam Al-Qadiani?


Article (225) Proving the prophecy proves all the words of the Messenger, so what are the proofs of the prophecy of Mirza Ghulam Al-Qadiani?


Let's condemn Mirza and the Ahmadis from the mouth of Mirza.

Mirza says in his book “The Testimony of the Qur’an شهادة القرآن ” / 1893 p. 384:

“No one asks for evidence for every word that was mentioned in the book that is sent down to a prophet. Rather, with the proof of the message [he means the prophecy ], the rest of the matters are all established automatically.” End quote.

And this is true, of course.

And now we ask the Ahmadis to prove the prophecy of Mirza Ghulam al-Qadiani. If his prophethood are proven, it will automatically prove to us the death of Christ, peace be upon him, and that there are plants and animals on the sun, and that scabies and plague are caused by a single microbial substance, and that insects come out of rusty iron. And that birds come out of wild figs and many other things that Mirza said.

And now what are the evidences required to prove the prophecy of Mirza?

Mirza also answers that the evidence that was required to prove the prophethood of our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, are the textual and rational evidence and heavenly blessings, and by the latter he means the extraordinary miracles.

Mirza says in كتاب شهادة القرآن  the testimony of the Qur’an / 1893 p. 381:

" The truth is that claims like this [meaning the claim of prophethood] do not reach the full amount of proof by rational or textual evidence alone unless the blessings of the claimant are proven by heavenly confirmations.

This is the Sunnah of God that was carried out by the prophets, peace be upon them, since ancient times.

And if our master , the Noble Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was mentioned in the previous books [i.e., the textual evidence]

Then he - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - came at a time when needing the mission of a prophet of great esteem [i.e., rational evidence].

But with all that, God Almighty was not satisfied with the previous reports [meaning the textual evidence] to prove the truthfulness of His true Prophet, nor did He consider the other evidences to be sufficient [i.e. the rational evidence].

Rather, He sent down many proofs from heaven, confirming His Holy Prophet, to the extent that his truthfulness - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was revealed and the light of truth shined like the sun.” End quote

So the evidences required from the Ahmadis to prove the prophecy of Mirza are as follows:

1- Textual evidences:

That is, the news of his name and description in the books prior to the time of Mirza, as approved by Mirza

 2- rational evidence:

That is, the need of time for a reformer of a prophet after corruption was proven, but Bashir al-Din Mahmoud , son of Mirza, who was nicknamed the promised reformer , acknowledged in his interpretation of Surat al-Baqarah in the great interpretation that the rational evidence (the need of time) is nothing but speculative evidence because it proves the need for a reformer and is not proven with certainty definitive prophecy .

3- Supernatural miracles that are crystal clear and are not interpreted according to the circumstances.

But what are the specifications of the evidence according to the definition and description of Mirza?

This is one of the definitions of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Qadiani for the evidence, and that was in his dialogue with Reverend Atham as mentioned in the "Holy War" Book / 1893 pg. 197 as it appears in the attached picture.

What are the sentences in which Mirza described the evidence and what is their significance?

It is definitive, meaning it has only one meaning.

be enlightening in and of itself 

be axiomatic

It proves something that needs to be proven, and it does not need to prove itself..

The evidence is comprehensive and It is impossible to challenge it

Now , Is the evidence that Mirza presented - to prove his prophethood and that he is the promised Messiah and that he is the Mahdi - of the type of evidence he requested from others?

Dr. Ibrahim Badawi



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